Just a reminder... the seed for Donald Trump's Authoritarianism was planted the moment Barack Obama declared to The World that he would no longer try to find common ground with Republicans and instead wield...
The Power of His Pen and Phone.
President Obama...
You had the capacity to become a truly great man.
When you got into the shit with Reverend Wright in only days you gave America this iconic moment.
You showed US what you had within you to do but never did the hard work to actually do any of it.
As a Community Organizer surely such talent would have resulted in a lasting legacy.
What is it? Where is it?
You became a great entertainer, and your legacy is now Biden and Trump.
When Barack Obama took office there was a great deal of talk about Hope and about him being the first "next generation" leader and to his followers and the media elite it didn't much matter that his date of birth made it clear that he was just...
the last of The Baby Boomers.
No, what mattered most at the time was that Michele Obama's fashion sense was similar to America's favorite First Lady... Jacqueline Kennedy.
And for a time, it all seemed to make sense, after all JFK's brother and daughter introduced Barack Obama to America...
as "the last Kennedy brother".
But instead of a Next Generation Presidency... America got the I, Me, it's all about ME President.
Why does this matter?
Because instead of becoming a great transformational leader...
Barack Obama became one of the MOST polarizing figures in American history... in a Post 9.11 America.
In other words, it's time for America to 'reverse the curse' of The Last Kennedy Brother...
before it's too late.
The Obama Legacy... is Donald Trump.
It's True. Your presidency is why and how so many Americans became so divided and angry and decided that they had NO OTHER CHOICE but to turn to someone like Donald Trump to...
"Make America Great Again".
"No more important to the fight against The Triple Evils of Racism, Poverty and War than a song from Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston."
That Mr. Obama is what Martin Luther King would have had to say about your speech in Selma on The 50 Year Anniversary of Bloody Sunday.
That's what Martin Luther King would have had to say to the most powerful man in the world who when he had EVERY opportunity to DO SOMETHING about Racial Inequality and Economic Inequality and The Endless-War...
spent countless billions of dollars to make more War...
went to Political Fundraiser after Political Fundraiser...
AND... spent millions of taxpayer dollars on GOLF outings and Hawaiian Vacations.
Mr. Obama...
Martin Luther King would NOT be pleased to hear America's first black president give another speech.
No, Martin Luther King would judge you today Mr. Obama NOT by the things you said...
BUT... by the things you actually did in your 8 years as president.
AND so should the rest of America.
Mr. Obama... it's true, a lot has happened to America in the 23 dark years since 9-11 and getting to this day and to these awful conditions and circumstances is NOT all your fault.
In fact, a very strong case can be made that you were very much a victim of circumstance. A man whose enormous ambitions blinded him to the fact that his life’s journey had in no way prepared him for the challenges that he and America would face.
But here we are Mr. Obama…
America is now deeply divided, at war (one way or another) with enemies and allies all across the globe and much, much weaker in the eyes of The World than we were when YOU took office...
and Donald Trump is America's 45th president...
and Joe Biden is America's 46th president...
and Donald Trump is now America's 47th president too.
AND... that is YOUR fault.
Instead of leading a war-torn America through the dark and difficult days of a post-9-11 America... your presidency became 'all about you' and your legacy.
And to advance that cause, you adopted the hyper-partisan tactics of 'divide and conquer'.
Mr. Obama, under your leadership...
America's political system became a dysfunctional mess. And now everyone in The World can see that You were NOT the great transformational leader that YOU led America to believe you were when you defeated Hillary Clinton in 2008.
Simply put... YOU... have no moral authority to lead America anymore.
Mr. Obama, some people were pleased to hear you say “Trayvon Martin could have been me”. But the rest of US thought it was very much beneath the office that you held… to use the power of your office to make such a comparison.
After all…
‘We’… are the ones, who were VERY, VERY, VERY proud to see America finally put much of Our horrific past behind US when you were elected to the highest office in the land.
What should You have said after The Trayvon Martin Case?
That Martin Luther King was talking about The American Dream when he gave his 'I Have a Dream' speech in 1963 and that the mountain that needed to be climbed... hadn't been yet.
But as President of The United States, You are living proof that someone like Trayvon Martin can become President of The United States...
and that is what makes today's America...
the best place in the world to live.
That’s what you should have said.
But You chose lesser words and in doing so proved once again that You really are NO King.
My fellow Americans this is The Speech... ON RACE & Grace... that Barack Obama Needed To Give and Didn't.
GOOD PEOPLE of Ferguson, Baltimore and Charleston... I have seen the video of that beautiful, strong, single mother of six pulling her masked son out of that group of thugs in Baltimore and all I can think is...
The Idea of Hope & Change didn't work out like I had hoped that it would... for YOU... or for anyone else for that matter.
Somehow, I got it into my head that it would all workout because I said that it would...
AND... it didn't.
Somehow, I let The Republicans get underneath my thin skin... AND... I took my eyes off the prize.
Somehow, I lost sight of how much good America's first black president could do... so I never really tried.
I wasted God's Grace.
Not long ago I told The World that it was time for America to make...
But that didn't work out like I hoped it would either.
So, after that I sent more troops, more money and more bombs back into Iraq.
Unfortunately, that didn't work out very well either.
SO today, it's time to "Pivot To Chicago"... AND... Baltimore and Ferguson.
And to anyplace else in America where good people like you... have been left behind.
MY PROMISE TO YOU... is to stop the fighting with Republicans and finally turn my attention to... YOU.
In your neighborhood is where my real LEGACY resides.
I can see that now... now that parts of Ferguson and Baltimore have been burned to the ground...
BECAUSE... The Idea of Hope & Change didn't work out like I had hoped that it would.
On December 10th 2009... Barack Obama received his Nobel Peace Prize and proclaimed...
"We will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes."
And then went on to say there is NO nonviolence solution to the necessity of war.
But the dark and ugly truth is...
Barack Obama NEVER tried to create a nonviolence solution to the necessity of war.
If he had tried, he would have quickly discovered... THE TRUTH... an awesome prize like the nonviolence solution to the necessity of war comes with a heavy price-
that would have removed the shine that allowed him to win The American Presidency & The Nobel Peace Prize without a single substantial accomplishment...
other than his election to America's president.
With his Nobel Lecture to The World...
Mr. Obama excused his warmonger instincts and then went on to pave the way for ISIS... AND... the ONLY possible way for someone like Donald Trump to become America's president.
MEANING... in their arrogant rush to anoint Barack Obama...
'The Chosen One'...
The Nobel Committee is in no small part RESPONSIBLE for The Endless-War, the election of Donald Trump as America's 45th and 47th president and his and Joe Biden's bumbling path towards...
"I alone can fix it"... that's how Donald Trump responded to Barack Obama's weak, passive-aggressive warmonger ways. And unfortunately, too many Americans bought the lie that it was finally time for America to have an authoritarian leader too.
Given America's National Debt and the scope and scale of all that is wrong with the world today...
Our Only Option may well be, to set The Idea of America free and feed it well, so it has the strength to travel the far reaches of the world and make whole what Evil has tried to divide.
Because of technology and the extremely contagious Idea of Equality...
Good will also travel with "velocity" and blaze a path into the hearts and souls of those capable of loving The Idea of America...
so, America the nation will have the strength to right herself in a world that desperately needs her strength.
The worldwide pursuit of equality might be the only way to stop the cycle of false martyrs becoming the recruitment tools for more death and destruction.
This Generation must ensure that The War on Terror is not passed on to our children and grandchildren as the moral equivalent to Our National Debt.
Whether The Idea of America can find its way in the world again depends on our collective choice to adopt a "Philosophical Solution" that requires the inspired contribution of all Americans and can answer the two most important questions of our day:
What is America's Purpose... and how will we use Our Colossal Power without fueling Bin Laden's filthy perversion of Islam?
In my mind, when America is at her best it is when we bring 'Great Light and Beauty' into the world.
If this hasn't always been America's Purpose...
then maybe it should be.
For whatever the reason, the lofty standard of "Equality for All" seems out of Our reach well beyond the shores of America and those of America like.
So instead, we opt for the systematic protection of our self-interests until such a time as those who need us to act as their Champions of Equality, prove courage by suicide and jihad demonstrating that yes, indeed we are all equal in death...
just as we are in birth.
To all of this I say "Why?" Why is the God given promise of Equality beyond Our Reach?
Rare is any idea so powerful that time after time it can be called upon to provide inspiration for Personal Liberty and along with rightful responsibility, the hefty price that always must be paid by those who pursue "their" Equality.
To be clear, I do not tolerate the murder of innocents or accept any form of moral relativism put forth by those who attempt to excuse the tactics of terrorists.
But, for any one person who chooses political violence anywhere, there are... tens of thousands of others who would like a different choice!
It's time to give The World the other choice.
It's an idea called...
'Strategic Equality'.