America has developed a thirst and a hunger for extreme politics.
So, today we begin...
Operation American Regime Change... IS...
The MOST Extreme Political Solution...
The World has ever seen.
What America desperately needs right now is the political destruction of two-party rule in America and an 8-year Political Wave that ends America's warmongering ways and ensures that not a single incumbent member of today's Congress... IS.... still a part of Congress when America votes in 2032.
We can’t fix what’s wrong with America or for that matter, anything… by only focusing our attention on what has gone wrong.
No. We must also focus our attention on what went right, and then develop a strategy to do a lot, lot, lot more of that.
“Get America and the rest of The World to believe in The American Dream again or for the very first time.”
That’s it. That's The Silver Bullet Solution to HOW we unite 300 million Americans to save the American union and then begin to fix all of America’s biggest post 9.11 problems... all at the exact same time.
Let me explain:
As more and more Americans learned to believe in The American Dream...
America became a great nation. As more and more Americans stopped believing in The American Dream...
America began its decline.
FREICE MEDIA... IS... HOW... we unite 300 million Americans in 2024 America to Save The American Dream and in doing so, make right what has gone so tragically wrong for everyone in The Post 9.11 World.
For some time now, America has faced monumental adversity that should have brought out the best in US... but it hasn't.
Instead... September 11th, the threat of economic collapse and wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine and now Israel have revealed how truly far we have drifted away from the values that made America great... AND...
Today, much of the World is on Fire and America is weak in the knee. America has lost sight of her purpose and suffers a great loss of economic, military and moral authority and our timing couldn't be worse.
At one time, American leaders worked hard to lead America to a better place... but now, many of our elected officials do little more than manipulate US for power and profit.
Today, I'm sad to say...
America is being led towards a very dark and dangerous place.
The fabric that holds America together is coming apart right before our very eyes. America is in trouble and We MUST come together as a nation... before it's too late.
But the forces that conspire to rip US apart have grown strong and will not cede power until we force them to loosen their grip. We need to begin to change the rules of the game, because the game that they play is dirty and it's unfair.
So, we MUST have a game changing idea or two... or better yet 12.
Without a strong sense of national purpose, We will continue to see only what the political animals want US to see...
just how different Americans can be.
For 23 years, America's political parties have stoked our emotional flames and kept US at war with each other.
It's no wonder common ground is so hard to find... but no one can debate the virtues of every American believing in The American Dream.
So 'Help Save The American Dream'...
before it's too late.
1. 'STRATEGIC EQUALITY'... The 388 Tweet... Nonviolence Solution to...
Vladimir Putin... IS... Live on Twitter:
2. ‘Biden Worldwide NO Confidence Vote’ on Twitter...
When This Tweet Goes Viral...
Right Before Our Eyes, Donald Trump Will...
'Magically' Disappear...
From American Politics.
4. The Nonviolence Solution to Terrorism has been reduced to 388 epic tweets.
I know that's quite a claim.
But scroll to the bottom of this Twitter page and you will see for yourself that it's true and how it will change---
5. A GoFundMe Campaign to 'Help Save The American Dream'.
6. FREICE MEDIA... is a way to RE-PURPOSE The World's NEGATIVE social and political energy into a MASSIVE campaign for POSITIVE change by providing The People 'the word weapons & ideas' we need to wrestle political control of away from The World's Authoritarian Thugs.
7. 'The Party of US' (coming soon)... is a way to END Two Party Rule in America by destroying America's two major political parties and replacing them with... ONE TEMPORARY... Political Party called THE PARTY OF US.
8. The primary business proposition of this new venture will become...
'The Dream Feeder'... will become the single most important venture in the world... because it will facilitate a MASSIVE transfer of knowledge to all corners of the world... and help solve the problems of Income Inequality, Mass Migration and The Out of Control Cost of Higher Education. ... IS COMING SOON.
9. The 174 Billion Dollar Entrepreneurial Fund...
In every city, state and town in America... all Americans Wishing to pursue their American Dream will begin with a visit to their local Library and witness its transformation into a Community Entrepreneurial Support Center.
10. AMERICA'S TWO PARTY SYSTEM IS BROKEN... YOU... can fix this problem by Swarming EVERY City/Town Hall in America & one voter after another... reduce the rolls of Democratic and Republican Parties to Party Elites who created this mess.
When you say 'your values haven't changed' in response to all your policy changes...
what you are really saying... IS...
you will tell whatever lies you have to tell to defeat Donald Trump.
The thing is...
WE... ended up with Donald Trump because tens of millions of American had enough of politicians out-right lying to The American People to get elected.
More lies from... YOU...
When a political leader repeatedly puts forth... 'THE REAL BIG LIE'... a lie that if it were true, would in fact...
Be Worth Dying For.
...and continues to assert that lie after Historic Violence and Death in the name of that lie has occurred... then, that political leader is a Domestic Terrorist and a Clear and Present Threat to The American Union.
Time To End 'The REAL Big Lie'.
Joe Biden hasn’t been fit for office for some time now.
How long?
Since Biden’s inner-circle stopped allowing him to do press interviews.
I know. I know. Biden did a couple of interviews after The Debate when he presented himself to The World as unfit for office... and… he passed ‘The 25th Amendment Test’ each time.
True. But he barely passed.
That’s NOT the standard for an American president and we all know it.
An American president MUST be able to sit across the table from Vladimir Putin and be able to fight and win a war of ideas.
And Joe Biden can’t.
That’s why Biden’s inner circle never allowed him to try. And lots and lots of people died.
And The World is now on The Cusp of Nuclear World War III.
It's time for ALL of US to face THE DARK TRUTH.
The TRUE Existential Threat to America doesn't come from Vladimir Putin's Russia or even a rising China. NO. The TRUE Existential Threat to America comes from the death of The American Soul.
'The American Soul'... is the central part of US that we ALL cherish. It keeps US Safe, Prosperous, Inspired, United and Faithful to each other as lovers of The Idea of America.
And the ideals that comprise 'The American Soul' include in some order all of these eight ingredients...
Democracy, Military Power, Capitalism, Faith, Family, Moral Authority, Equality, and a Level Playing Field.
These are the ideals that bound and united our ancestors of different faiths and origins to the ideas first and then and only then to each other as "Americans".
No matter your religion, political ideology, race, ethnicity, class or national origin if you hold these eight ideals precious then they bind you to the people of America.
These values are... 'The American Way'.
If you are sickened, angry, disappointed or disconnected by the current state of America... know in your heart and soul that the pain and shame resonating at the deepest level comes from the manifest recognition that these ideals are splintering and chipping- creating a very heavy burden for US all.
Political Demagogues and other tyrants of the human spirit have landed a multifaceted, modern-day assault on our senses and sensibilities and 'they' are using Intel's fastest chips to speed their advance.
This is a painful process to be sure, taking a good hard, long look in the mirror when there is overwhelming evidence to support the need for one.
If your inclination is to blame George W. Bush or Barack Obama or Donald Trump or Joe Biden for this dis-union... you would be in part right; their policies and personalities have played a role.
But in the end you wouldn't be right. Because no single man or President no matter how divisive, could tear America from herself and the World. The only thing that could, is finding out that the ideals that once bound US...
Don't Anymore.
It’s time to see Putin's War Crimes for what they are, the predictable outcome of 23 years of Endless War and a political system through which America's politicians masterfully kept US at constant war with each other INSTEAD OF UNITING The World to solve our most serious problems.
Fortunately… 23 years of Endless-War has provided The World a priceless opportunity to open A New Nonviolence War Front inside Russia, China & Iran... AND... destroy every Authoritarian regime on The Planet- from the inside out.
All America needs to do is tell the truth:
"The seed for Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was planted the day George W. Bush invaded Iraq."
Spread that TRUTH on Social Media and we can unite The World to prevent a nuclear Holocaust with THE IDEA that...
‘American Regime Change Finally Begins Now’.
I'm the Social Entrepreneur who just went 'live' with a 388 tweet Strategic Plan to destroy EVERY Authoritarian regime on The Planet...
The World is on the brink of a nuclear disaster in no small part because Humanity has used The Awesome Power of Social Media to give rise to the absolute very worst that Humanity has to offer.
Endless-War, Authoritarianism, Racism, Income Inequality, Hate & ‘Trumpism’… are all political problems that need to be vanquished with much, much, much better ideas...
Things need to be said. Ideas presented.
'Shots Across The Bow' taken.
And they can't come from The US Government or NATO to ensure Putin's invasion of Ukraine doesn't spiral out of control and become Biden's "Nuclear Armageddon”.
A 388 Tweet, Preemptive Nuclear War Of Ideas, designed to unite The World in common cause to prevent China from invading Taiwan and to prevent Putin from dropping his first nuke.
Have you had enough of this Endless-War bullsh*t?
This is where and how we bring it all to an EPIC end.
For 23 years America has waged war across The Globe.
The minute WE take to the streets and DEMAND the resignation of Joe Biden and the end of The Endless-War and begin nonviolence regime change here in America…
The World will see America is no longer The Face of Endless-War and The World will follow our lead and nonviolence regime change will begin in Russia, China & Iran too.
YOU... can fix this problem by Swarming EVERY City/Town Hall in America & one voter after another... reduce the rolls of Democratic and Republican Parties to Party Elites who created this mess.
'WE'... THIS GENERATION... must ensure The Endless-War is not passed on to our children and grandchildren as the moral equivalent to Our National Debt.
The problem with the blame game is that it's a game that can't be played forever.
Sooner or later you run out of people to blame.
Once that happens The Elitists can't hide the fact that some men and women continue to feed like The Kings and Queens of old on the taxpayer and shareholder dime and on the Blood, Sweat and Tears of The American Soldier and their families... in the dark aftermath of 9-11.
Make no mistake a perpetual wave of real change is washing over America.
It's not the idea of 'Hope and Change' or for that matter it's not any idea that could ever fit into a political slogan or on a bumper sticker.
It is much too big for that.
It begins with the idea that America's political 'leaders' have been employing strategies for many years that are intentionally designed to keep American voters divided, distracted and 'in the dark' so they can have their power and fame... but now, everything is about to change.
Maybe the solution to The Tribulation we face is as simple as removing The Dark Stain of Elitism from Our Core Beliefs- one belief at a time, by starting a war of ideas for control of The American Way...
The Elitists on one side of the fight and the rest of US on the other.
Yes, in thinking about the solutions to America's trouble with systemic corruption and the abuse of power...
Think... "Clean Baby, Clean."
MAKE NO MISTAKE… Nuclear World War III is here.
YES. Today, we must now fight…
If your instinct is to blame Vladimir Putin for this affront to our humanity, you are right to believe he should pay the ultimate price for his War Crimes.
But, if you live anywhere in The World other than Russia… you would be wrong to demand a role in his demise.
Especially if you live here in America.
IF YOU LIVE HERE IN AMERICA… then, it’s time for you to look in the mirror and begin the process of holding to account the war criminals in ‘our backyard’… FIRST.
The sad truth is…. Putin didn’t get to this UGLY day all by himself. In far too many ways, for 23 years, Putin followed the lead of America’s Endless-war criminals.
America became The World’s Judge, Jury and Executioner… whenever WE deemed our countless ‘special military operations’ across The Globe… to be in our national interest… FIRST.
On the day after 9.11…
I began crafting ‘Strategic Equality’.
It’s how we UNITE THE WORLD to prevent a full-scale nuclear holocaust.
Who am I? I’m the guy who sacrificed everything so we would have what we need today…
Look, it’s simple…
The World has been spiraling out of control since 9.11. We need to make this day…
The World must change course. NOW.
Before all we see are more mushroom clouds.
It's a choice between Right & Wrong.
A new battle line on the sands of time drawn by the vast majority of Americans who refuse to live with LESS while Elitists from the Left and the Right work feverishly to keep US at war with each other.
Not long ago I re-watched Nova's show on 'Saving The Founding Documents'.
Funny how seeing the same thing again after your experiences have changed makes for a new "lens" for seeing the same thing in a different sometimes more powerful way.
Seems I'm not the first person to attempt to re-brand America...
Lincoln already did it by re-seeing The Declaration of Independence and "The Declaration of Equality" in a different more powerful way. Lincoln's second look at this Founding Document gave Americans a new lens for re-seeing their Better American Self.
Seems he couldn't find what he was looking for in the United States Constitution or the Bill of Rights so he kept on looking. He was looking for the moral solution to "Why We Fight The Good Fight" and "why we stay together".
And Lincoln found his solution in The Declaration of Independence and so did Dr. Martin Luther King Jr....
And so will we.
I thought about these two great men and how they were men who became great... because they understood a great truth about mankind and used a single great idea to create America's moral solutions when America needed "great leaders" to get US off the destructive path we were on.
I also thought about America needing great leaders today as we try and re-build our economy and win The Endless-war... but our leaders aren't even trying to be great or win anything but the next election.
Their only course for America is charted by the "Science of Words" and their guiding Purpose is Power... and time after time they prove the only solutions they care enough to seek are to the problems of financing their next campaign. And the people who have all the answers to those problems are the ones who have enough money to fill campaign coffers and "Think Tanks"... which have become One Stop shopping for Candidates to shop for money and words.
Amazingly it's now more fashionable to join a think tank and advance a well-financed and pre-conceived objective than to discover the truth that you might be in part wrong or that someone with a different orientation might be needed in "part" to make you... completely right.
Just ask those who conceived the Iraqi war plan whether they might have given more thought to the armoring of vehicles if they intended to take the ride after the invasion.
If you don't believe "them" capable of giving you a truthful answer, then ask the newlywed widow what truth means to her and if other opinions at the planning table might have made for a more complete "right" course of action for her version of The American Dream.
The Simple Truth was and always has been The Whole of US... represents the better and lasting promise of US all. This is the binding principle that Lincoln and King died trying to defend.
Remember This: The Civil War and The Civil Rights Movement... were "think tanks" of a different sort.
Before US today is a very simple choice...
Will we continue to allow self-serving politicians from BOTH PARTIES to continue to rip US apart for Power, Profit & Privilege... OR... will we unite America and do the absolute very best that we can do to bring forward the Inspired ideas and actions of each and every American?
If you... like me... have had enough of this political nonsense in Washington D.C. then I invite you to join me in bringing this nonsense to an EPIC end.
IT’S OK. Be Afraid.
The first nuclear bomb of World War III could literally drop any moment now.
And a mass shooting/stabbing might happen at any gathering.
It's time to fight The DARK with LIGHT.
One Nation... INDIVISIBLE... because of The Sacred Promise of Equality for ALL, unknowingly forced upon its citizens a choice to fulfill that promise or not.
On Independence Day, The Founders of America began a "Hero's Journey" for future Americans to complete, heaping inspired enlightenment upon the Souls of Man who unleash The Power of Equality or rage and fury upon those who tarnish The Beacon of Hope.
Once proclaimed "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights" unprecedented societal and technological advancement finally began.
Unimaginable in the previous thousand years an unyielding transformational progress forged new intellectual boundaries and expectations in mere decades.
Yet our awe-inspiring nature was exposed only after the minds of women were awakened and the contributions from everyone were included...
no matter the color of their skin.
Our enduring failure is the failure to understand that Our Institutions never cede power until they must... for their own good.
Never has any government official, social elite or so-called "political visionary" freed the talents and contributions of oppressed and depressed Americans.
Instead, time after time, change only came when previously disenfranchised individuals made the choice to declare a personal liberty... born out of the same Essence of Equality which gave life to America through the signing of The Declaration of Independence.
Some will point to Our history with Slavery, Native Americans, Women's Rights, Poverty, Civil Rights and use of Nuclear Weapons and say we have not the Moral Authority to speak of Equality.
I say quite the contrary, for it is by way of shame, horror and manipulation that we Earned Our most valuable and indisputable Truths.
In other words, we needed our failures first... in order 'to bring great light and beauty into the world'.
In Our Infamy... Truth and Wisdom has been seared into America's fundamental Essence and because of this when we lose sight of the truth, fail to ensure equal benefit to all or even worse ignore truth in favor of manipulation and selfish interest... almost on cue peril and conflict return to us again and again.
After each and every clash of "American Contradictions" came the lessons... indelibly learned and soon thereafter came the new strength and inspiration of so many Americans who found their strength and equality only after the conflict was resolved.
Once established here in America... the new "truth" as it became known, also began to stir the best of humanity throughout the willing parts of the world... and now finally, "The Truth" about The American Way is spreading into The Middle East.
Remember This: The words of a bigot when proven wrong in America... give everlasting light to the Truth Everywhere!
Over time and fight after fight...
We all might discover that the Truth about the future of mankind resides in the idea that if not for all... then for none, and that the 'American Way' isn't just for US. The problem is, right now America is getting too many things wrong to inspire all the good that The Idea of America should.
As in the time of Our Founders, it's "The People" who must demonstrate The 'magical' Idea of America to a World who so anxiously awaits word from America that still rooted in the collective Freedom, Faith and Courage of "The People"...
is the power of our convictions.
Until then and forever, look to the horizon and past the tribulation and pain. See the beauty in each rise and fall of the sun. See the same beauty in each spark of light in the eyes of those who you love. Look long and look deep and don't be surprised when you finally see...
Why We Fight The Good Fight!.
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