AMERICA... IS... NO LONGER A FUNCTIONING DEMOCRACY... and hasn't been for a long time now. Sure. President Trump's Authoritarianism is a big problem. But so was the team of co-conspirators who hid President Biden's mental decline from The American People while Putin threatened The World with nuclear weapons.
To all The People who say 'no one elected Elon Musk' I say you are right. But no one elected the team of co-conspirators who ran our last Administration either. At least Elon Musk has presidential permission.
SO... HERE WE ARE... and the undeniable conclusion is The Politicians from both parties have destroyed Our Democracy and 'they' all must be... FIRED.
The Party of US... IS... where and how we make the most of these 4 years leading up 2028 by remaking Our Democracy and making it so much better than it was before with this MASSIVE strategic plan to unite 300 million Americans to...
Welcome to…
The Loyal Opposition.
In case you don’t know…
The Purpose for a ‘loyal opposition’ is to make America and her political leaders better… not worse.
To be clear…
I’m NOT a fan of Donald Trump.
But America needs Donald Trump to succeed as president. PERIOD.
Another failed American president at this moment of peril would be a disaster for America and The World.
I will do all that is in my power to help ensure that...
My President Succeeds...
over the next 4 years.
The hostile takeover of The DNC begins today.
It’s time for…
AMERICA'S TWO PARTY SYSTEM IS BROKEN and it's finally time to FIX the UGLY problem of...
Instead of getting better, things are only getting worse. America's Political Class has become a toxic mix, and they have made it next to impossible to effectively govern from inside Washington D.C. Let's face it, today the only way The United States can succeed is if Americans from outside of Washington D.C. take the lead.
It's time to create a Power Base outside the nation's capital.
In this digital world, almost everything is moving to 'The Cloud'... that's where America's next revolution will be fought and won.
We have reached an ominous moment in time where... No Politician... from either party can fix what is wrong.
Now it's up to US.
'They'... are the ones who are in power in Washington D.C. and destroying America from the inside out and doing for Al Qaeda and ISIS what they could never have done on their own.
'They'... are the ones who govern by way of The Blame Game and deepen our divisions EVERY chance they get.
'They'... are the ones who put America 36 Trillion Dollars in Debt.
'They'... are the ones who have put US on an unsustainable path.
Well... The Rest of US Have Had Enough.
You failed to protect America from The Rise of Authoritarianism, and I am not just talking about Donald Trump.
In 2024 tens of millions of Americans chose Trump’s Authoritarianism because they were revolted by…
Your Authoritarianism.
And for good reason.
Because of you The Democratic Party has no Soul.
Since 9.11 you have used Focus Groups and Opinion Polls and advancements in Big Data to carve The Heart out of America’s democracy to protect YOUR Power, Profit and Privilege.
Instead of responding to The Darkness of Donald Trump with Light… you went low. Very low. Even though you promised countless times to go high.
And YOU created Authoritarian rot within The Democratic Party that cannot be removed until all the people within The DNC are removed.
In 2015 Donald Trump created the roadmap for how to conduct a hostile takeover of a major political party.
The first thing we learned is that someone strong needs to stand against The Evil in The Democratic Party.
That person is me. I just went ‘live’ with a MASSIVE strategic plan to unite 300 million Americans to Save The American Union. And the deeper everyone goes into this strategic plan, the easier it will be for everyone to see that compared to me…
The next thing we need to do is promise to…
‘Drain The Swamp’.
Trump couldn’t do it.
But together we can ‘Drain The Entire Swamp’ in Washington D. C. with The DNC in it.
I will show everyone how.
We will also end YOUR Endless War.
And we will begin the bottom-up solution to Income Inequality in a way The Authoritarians in today’s DNC never could.
YES. Together we will re-build The Democratic Party from the bottom-up beginning by removing…
It's not democracy when politicians from both parties take polls and conduct focus groups to tell US what we want to hear and then say one thing and do another once they get elected.
It's not democracy when politicians from both parties make promises to get elected, they know they will NEVER be able to keep.
It's not democracy when politicians from both parties intentionally use 'wedge issues' to keep US bitterly divided... ensuring wedge issues remain wedge issues each and every election.
It's not democracy when voters from a relative handful of 'swing states' get to pick our president every 4 years because politicians from both parties take polls and conduct focus groups in order to...
lie their way into office.
SO... it is time for US to BEGIN building The Party of US.
And give President Trump the type of opposition he deserves.
He, as any American president deserves…
Barack Obama never had a ‘loyal opposition’.
Trump was given the worst opposition any president ever had.
And of course, Biden got what Biden deserved after what Trump got.
It’s really no wonder so many Americans are turning to Authoritarianism. Our ‘democratically’ elected officials intentionally make sure…
Democracy Doesn’t Work in America.
This is tricky business. Providing ‘opposition’ to a president while NOT damaging America while you do it.
No worries. I know how WE do it.
President Trump... @joerogan was right.
Your most important task is to unite America.
SO… today I have just given to you via my tech start-up called Freice Media…
Save The American Union.
To be clear I have written and said things in the past that you will NOT like very much.
But so did J.D. Vance.
I’m willing to work with you…
because America needs you to succeed.
No matter how you look at it, We are the ones who MUST bring all the nonsense to an end.
We need to find a way to get to a place where every American believes they have an active stake in the success of their nation... and their President. Because it's never OK to be a part of the reason that America fails... no matter what the partisans say.
It's time to 'turn up the heat' on America's Leadership Elite...
America is a mess and someone must pay the price. But also, because real wars with real blood and death are taking place all around the world... and the BEST Way for America to reveal her strength is to reveal to the world just how beautiful 'The Dream' can be when you are the one who is free!
No, Endless... War, Political and Economic Corruption and Institutional Dysfunction doesn't need to be America's fate, but it will continue to be that way, until we empower a New Generation of Leaders with an Authentic Sense of Purpose.
What we need most are Heroes who are unafraid of hard work, pain and Self-Sacrifice.
What we need most is for you to take the first steps of Your "Hero's Journey" and become the Hero that we need most.
P.S. The term 'new generation of leaders'... no longer means new people and new faces in new positions.
It now means... EVERYONE... needs to rise to the occasion and leave our partisan divides in the past, so we may rise to the single challenge before US...
YES. BIDEN AND HARRIS ARE TO BLAME. But Democrats may never see power again unless Democrats understand how much damage 'False Hope & Change' did to The Democrat's brand.
Sure. Obamacare was a part of Barack Obama's legacy. But Democrats got smoked in 2024 because Black Lives Matter and Donald Trump became the more important parts of his legacy instead.
People of Color in America needed The Idea of Hope & Change to be real and more than a glorious speech. And it wasn't. So, People of Color decided to take 'matters' into their own hands.
Democrats counted on the idea that the first Black Woman president and The Idea of Hope & Change Part II would carry the day. It didn't. It chased People of Color away.
BECAUSE... The Idea of Hope & Change was a lie... the first time.
If Barack Obama had a real plan to Shepherd Humanity into Modernity... he would have ended The Endless War and used the trillions of dollars he spent making The World a bloody mess, on...
Our Transition into The Modern World.
After Barack Obama there is no way for Democrats to talk their way out of this mess.
ONCE UPON A TIME... I was a Democrat. Before that and for a much longer period of time I was a Republican. I am an Independent American today...
with a MASSIVE strategic plan to unite 300 million Americans to...
'Help Save The American Dream'.
It's a manifesto to save The American Union to be sure. But it's more than that. It needs to be after 23 years of America's Endless-War.
This new venture of mine is HOW we transition All of Humanity from this ugly war-torn reality into Modernity.
President Trump… As My President… you need to know I am ready to help you unite America.
I have built a Nuclear War of Ideas between Democracy and Authoritarianism that is impossible for Democracy to lose...
even as Authoritarian Fever ravages The World.
It’s how we unite 300 million Americans to…
Save The American Union and Save The American Dream.
And end America's Endless War.
It's an idea called 'Strategic Equality'.
And it's a total game changer in every nation on Earth.
MY FELLOW AMERICANS... it's still difficult for me to believe Our Democracy has fallen into such disrepair where tens of millions of Americans would elect Donald Trump President... TWICE.
But here we are... WE... all need President Trump to succeed.
We cannot endure 4 more years of America's politicians ripping US to shreds.
I am not a Trump supporter or a Harris supporter.
I am an American citizen who knows we can and must do better.
America has developed a thirst and a hunger for extreme politics.
So, today we begin...
Operation American Regime Change... IS...
The MOST Extreme Political Solution...
The World has ever seen.
What America desperately needs right now is the political destruction of two-party rule in America and an 8-year Political Wave that ends America's warmongering ways and ensures that not a single incumbent member of today's Congress... IS.... still a part of Congress when America votes in 2032.
We can’t fix what’s wrong with America or for that matter, anything… by only focusing our attention on what has gone wrong.
No. We must also focus our attention on what went right, and then develop a strategy to do a lot, lot, lot more of that.
“Get America and the rest of The World to believe in The American Dream again or for the very first time.”
That’s it. That's The Silver Bullet Solution to HOW we unite 300 million Americans to save the American union and then begin to fix all of America’s biggest post 9.11 problems... all at the exact same time.
Let me explain:
As more and more Americans learned to believe in The American Dream...
America became a great nation. As more and more Americans stopped believing in The American Dream...
America began its decline.
FREICE MEDIA... IS... HOW... we unite 300 million Americans in 2025 America to Save The American Dream and in doing so, make right what has gone so tragically wrong for everyone in The Post 9.11 World.
When you say 'your values haven't changed' in response to all your policy changes...
what you are really saying... IS...
you will tell whatever lies you have to tell to defeat Donald Trump.
The thing is...
WE... ended up with Donald Trump because tens of millions of American had enough of politicians out-right lying to The American People to get elected.
More lies from... YOU...
When a political leader repeatedly puts forth... 'THE REAL BIG LIE'... a lie that if it were true, would in fact...
Be Worth Dying For.
...and continues to assert that lie after Historic Violence and Death in the name of that lie has occurred... then, that political leader is a Domestic Terrorist and a Clear and Present Threat to The American Union.
Time To End 'The REAL Big Lie'.
It's time for ALL of US to face THE DARK TRUTH.
The TRUE Existential Threat to America doesn't come from Vladimir Putin's Russia or even a rising China. NO. The TRUE Existential Threat to America comes from the death of The American Soul.
'The American Soul'... is the central part of US that we ALL cherish. It keeps US Safe, Prosperous, Inspired, United and Faithful to each other as lovers of The Idea of America.
And the ideals that comprise 'The American Soul' include in some order all of these eight ingredients...
Democracy, Military Power, Capitalism, Faith, Family, Moral Authority, Equality, and a Level Playing Field.
These are the ideals that bound and united our ancestors of different faiths and origins to the ideas first and then and only then to each other as "Americans".
No matter your religion, political ideology, race, ethnicity, class or national origin if you hold these eight ideals precious then they bind you to the people of America.
These values are... 'The American Way'.
If you are sickened, angry, disappointed or disconnected by the current state of America... know in your heart and soul that the pain and shame resonating at the deepest level comes from the manifest recognition that these ideals are splintering and chipping- creating a very heavy burden for US all.
Political Demagogues and other tyrants of the human spirit have landed a multifaceted, modern-day assault on our senses and sensibilities and 'they' are using Intel's fastest chips to speed their advance.
This is a painful process to be sure, taking a good hard, long look in the mirror when there is overwhelming evidence to support the need for one.
If your inclination is to blame George W. Bush or Barack Obama or Donald Trump or Joe Biden for this dis-union... you would be in part right; their policies and personalities have played a role.
But in the end you wouldn't be right. Because no single man or President no matter how divisive, could tear America from herself and the World. The only thing that could, is finding out that the ideals that once bound US...
Don't Anymore.
YOU... can fix this problem by Swarming EVERY City/Town Hall in America & one voter after another... reduce the rolls of Democratic and Republican Parties to Party Elites who created this mess.
The problem with the blame game is that it's a game that can't be played forever.
Sooner or later you run out of people to blame.
Once that happens The Elitists can't hide the fact that some men and women continue to feed like The Kings and Queens of old on the taxpayer and shareholder dime and on the Blood, Sweat and Tears of The American Soldier and their families... in the dark aftermath of 9-11.
Make no mistake a perpetual wave of real change is washing over America.
It's not the idea of 'Hope and Change' or for that matter it's not any idea that could ever fit into a political slogan or on a bumper sticker.
It is much too big for that.
It begins with the idea that America's political 'leaders' have been employing strategies for many years that are intentionally designed to keep American voters divided, distracted and 'in the dark' so they can have their power and fame... but now, everything is about to change.
Maybe the solution to The Tribulation we face is as simple as removing The Dark Stain of Elitism from Our Core Beliefs- one belief at a time, by starting a war of ideas for control of The American Way...
The Elitists on one side of the fight and the rest of US on the other.
Yes, in thinking about the solutions to America's trouble with systemic corruption and the abuse of power...
Think... "Clean Baby, Clean."